Bias is an inclination, prejudice, preference or tendency towards or against a person, group, thing, idea or belief. Biases are usually unfair or prejudicial and are often based on stereotypes, rather than knowledge or experience. Bias is usually learned, although some biases may be innate. Bias can develop at any time in an individual’s life.
Bias is a uniquely human attribute. In some cases, the bias may be subconscious, and the individual may not be aware that they are experiencing bias towards others. Although biases can sometimes be positive or helpful to the individual, in the majority of cases, biases will be negative or damaging.
Bias is usually based on stereotypes relating to the physical characteristics of an individual or the group they identify with. These characteristics are often immutable, meaning they do not change over time.
The most common biases are based on characteristics such as:
Race. Ethnicity. Gender. Religion. Sexual orientation. Socioeconomic background. Educational background.
10th November 2021 by Nicole Murphy Last updated on 27th May 2022