My blog's turning into a list of 'look what Google's come up with now' moments. I love this example of 20% time where 8 Linux machines have been networked to run an enhanced version of Google Earth and Mars...displayed in an immersive kiosk across multiple screens. It's called Liquid Galaxy...I had no idea you could travel through the ocean and look at the topography of the sea bed. The demo video shows voice activated control - it's all getting very Star Trek out there!
My blog's turning into a list of 'look what Google's come up with now' moments. I love this example of 20% time where 8 Linux machines have been networked to run an enhanced version of Google Earth and Mars...displayed in an immersive kiosk across multiple screens. It's called Liquid Galaxy...I had no idea you could travel through the ocean and look at the topography of the sea bed. The demo video shows voice activated control - it's all getting very Star Trek out there!