Who is trustworthy?

It is harder than ever to judge what is fake or biased information. It is also increasingly difficult to know who to trust when it comes to advice. There are a few key ways to make sure you are working with reliable sources. How to identify reliable sources What makes a source reliable? To determine whether a source is reliable or not you must look at certain criteria. That criteria are as follows: Authority:
Who is the author? What are their credentials? Do they have knowledgeable experience in the field they are writing about? What is their reputation? Accuracy: Compare the author’s information to that which you already know is reliable. Are there proper citations? Is the information biased? If so, does it affect research conclusions Coverage:Is the information relevant to your topic and does it meet your needs? Consider what you need such as statistics, charts, and graphs.
Currency: Is your topic constantly evolving? Topics in technology and medical innovation require sources that are up to date.'.

Now I will tackle the Jordan Peterson phenomenon.

His commentary on topics such as gender, equality, advice for teens etc needs to be carefully assessed.

Who is this person?
Is he a reputable source of factual, unbiased information?
Are his opinions based on verifiable facts?

Some facts about Jordan Peterson

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, author, and media commentator. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues, often described as a conservative.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is the bestselling author of 12 Rules for Life, which has sold more than five million copies worldwide. After working for decades as a clinical psychologist and a professor at Harvard and the University of Toronto, Peterson has become one of the world's most influential public intellectuals. His YouTube videos and podcasts have gathered a worldwide audience of hundreds of millions

The above is quoted from Penguin books who pubished '12 Rules for Life'.
By his own account he has suffered from depression and related dire health effects of drug addiction. His health crisis was due to his addiction to benzodiazepine. He also took the powerful drug ketamine which also had a dire impact on his mental health as he describes:

"A few days after the second ketamine experience, I began to suffer the effects of acute benzodiazepine withdrawal, which were truly intolerable—anxiety far beyond what I had ever experienced, an uncontrollable restlessness and need to move (formally known as akathisia), overwhelming thoughts of self-destruction, and the complete absence of any happiness whatsoever."

Now that you know he has suffered with extreme, long term depression you might view some of his statements such as, "...life is a catastrophe and that the aim of living is not to be happy" with caution. You might also want to think more deeply about his other statements (below)..ask yourself if these are factual statements or subjective opinions?

This article in the Guardian offers a 'left wing' description of Jordan Peterson. It explores his fame, influence and questions his motives.

Key statements that need to be addressed:
What is a woman Female brains are different to male brains “When you have something to say, silence is a lie.” Advice to be self determined and reject your parents' learning. (Which, frankly is basically saying, 'don't listen to them, listen to me')
